Updated version of DirtyHarry3033's Dornier DO-335 A-12
Aerodynamics fine tuned. Balance refined. More capability added.
Changed to larger 1/3 scale
Top Speed 100KPH
Cruising speed with Flap down 60KPH
Takeoff and Landing is much easier and still 3D working fine.
Wingspan 4820mm
Weight 61Kg
Flap control can be either by Ch5 stick or Retract down Ch7 stick.
Power is 390N x 2 in 7000rpm
2 pilot cameras and front, rear, top camera is controlled by ch6 knob for viewing angle (Such nice job for DirtyHarry3033's graphics)
Control Sticks:
Ch1 : Aileron (with stick dual rate to exponential)
Ch2 : Elevator (with stick dual rate to exponential)
Ch3 : throttle
ch4 : Rudder (with stick dual rate to exponential)
ch5 : flap down
ch6 : camera viewing angle control
ch7 : gear retract with flap down
ch8 : bomb drop and rocket firing(stick forward) and Machine gun firing (stick backward)
F4~F9 : 2 pilots seat, front, rear, top, and fuselage top fixed view
Have a fun!!
Much Thanks to DirtyHarry3033 !!
Aerodynamics fine tuned. Balance refined. More capability added.
Changed to larger 1/3 scale
Top Speed 100KPH
Cruising speed with Flap down 60KPH
Takeoff and Landing is much easier and still 3D working fine.
Wingspan 4820mm
Weight 61Kg
Flap control can be either by Ch5 stick or Retract down Ch7 stick.
Power is 390N x 2 in 7000rpm
2 pilot cameras and front, rear, top camera is controlled by ch6 knob for viewing angle (Such nice job for DirtyHarry3033's graphics)
Control Sticks:
Ch1 : Aileron (with stick dual rate to exponential)
Ch2 : Elevator (with stick dual rate to exponential)
Ch3 : throttle
ch4 : Rudder (with stick dual rate to exponential)
ch5 : flap down
ch6 : camera viewing angle control
ch7 : gear retract with flap down
ch8 : bomb drop and rocket firing(stick forward) and Machine gun firing (stick backward)
F4~F9 : 2 pilots seat, front, rear, top, and fuselage top fixed view
Have a fun!!
Much Thanks to DirtyHarry3033 !!