
Dassault MD450 Ouragon 2m 8kg 30N Schrecking_AV

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  • Dassault MD450 Ouragon-0.jpg
    Dassault MD450 Ouragon-0.jpg
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This easy-to-fly, 200kph+, 2m wingspan, 8 kg (with 1130cc of fuel, 7kg dry) variant of thegibson's beautiful model of the Ouragon (Dassault MD450 Ouragon_EA) is shown in its IAF colours (IJ450_CS).

She diifers principally in that it has had the wingspan reduced to 2m, the engine changed to a chreckling home design, home built, Shreckling FD-3 64ls turbine of 30N thrust, and the airbrakes are now operated by closing the throttle fully (they can be retatracted again by opening the throttle slightly). Additional mixes have been added to the elevator channel to 'boost' the elevators a little when the gear is down and / or when the flaps are down.

Other changes mainly relate to makinging the model more realistic in terms of weight, wing loading, fuel tank size and weight, tyre type and weight, fuel consumption etc.

Use mid flaps for take off and full flaps for landing. Get the gear up as soon as you can and don't put the gear down until you are fully established in the approach to land because ithe gear not only imparts significant drag but also makes handing her unneceassarily more difficult. Be careful using the airbrakes when below 90 kph as they are quite powerful and with only 30N thrust, recovery from slowing down too much, takes a little while. Aim for about 60 to 70 kph when landing. The 1130cc of fuel will keep this lovely lady flying at full chat for 6½ mins.

Much kudos to thegibson for (yet another) marvelous model - I love the early jets and he has made day! I know he has been very busy with new models, but keep up the excellent work Mr Gibson, we all really appreciate it!

How about some of the aircraft that were develped ftom it, the Mysteres, and some eary British jets; the Gloster Meteor, English Electric Canberra and Hawker Hunter? - Any (or all!) of these would set me up (and many others, I'm sure)!

Many, many thanks, once again,


This variant requires:

Dassault MD450 Ouragon_EA

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