
F-100D SuperSabre 2m 8kg 40N KJ66 (ABoT)_AV

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A excellent introduction to flying scale jets, this is a 180 kph+ (115 mph) model of the fabulous 'Hun': The U.S Airforce's F-100 D.

One of the most beautiful of all aircraft in my book! In this AV all the components have realistic weights and sizes, and have been located appropropriately.

The wing loading is quite low at just under 60 g/dm^2 (just over 19 oz/ft^2), about two thirds that of 'normal', making the handling light and quite forgiving ,but without the model 'floating' about when coming in to land. A very good setup for a jet trainer.

This model has a 2 m (6' 6") wingspan and weighs 8 kg (17½ lb) and is powered by a de-rated KJ66 producing 40N (9lb) of thrust.

However, the KJ66 can be wrung out to 92N almost 21 lb thrust)! Pretty good for a build-it-yourself gas turbine. Well,excellent,actually!!

So you can start with a power to weight ratio of 1:2 (0.5) and go all the way out to 10:8 (1.25) and accelerate whilst climbing vertically (if that's your thing!)

To keep things realistic all you have to change is the thrust and fuel consumption parameters.

To get the appropriate fuel consumption multiply the thrust in Newtons (N) by the constant 2.57
e.g. for 50N thrust multiply 50 by 2.57 yielding 128.5 - call it 129 cm^3 per min (or 129cc/ min if you prefer).

The maximum speed will increase with an increase in thrust of course (but not as much as you may have expected), and you will need to re-trim for level flight at full throttle, similarly if you try lower maximum thrust levels (she still flys very well with only 30N!),you will still need to re-trim, but in the opposite direction.

Re-trim by altering the incidence of the all-flying tailplane as follows: If the model climbs at full throttle, make the incidence neutral or more positve (it presently set at -1degs), if it is losing height at full throttle make it more negative. Get it right and you can get down in the dirt and be cutting the daisies with no trouble!

The 1130 cc fuel tank is good for 11 mins of flat-out flying with the turbine set to produce 40N at 103 cc/min (1130 cc weighs 1kg (2.2 lb)) so you maywish to increase the tank size if you go for a higher max thrust parameter without making flights too short, say 1700cc (weighing 1.5kg (3.3 lb)), which would put the models AUW up to 8.5kg (18.75 lb) or 2260cc (weighing 2 kg (4.4 lb)) taking the AUW to 9 kg ( a shade under 20 lb).

Flaps and slats are operated by the rotary knob. Some additional elevator is mixed in with the flaps to help alleviate stick loads when flying slow with flaps down.

The throttle has -100% (minus 100%) exponential applied at all times to give more precise control at low power settings when you need it most - landng!

Wheel brakes are operated by pushing on the stick i.e. giving 'down' elevator.

The air brake is deployed by closing the throttle fully, and retracted again by cracking the throttle slightly open again - i.e. Air Brake on Throttle (ABoT).

Retracts are operated via the top right switch as normal.

All the other flying controls are as per normal.

The wing stores shown on the graphic are not modelled in the physics in this AV. The clean wing gives much better handling and much more enjoyable flying.

A few different colour schemes are available on the Swaps,this one was created by Maj. Numbskully, but Mark(Inky00)England has created some wonderful colour schemes too (including my favorite: f-100 d texture, which has lots of coloured stripes etc. Commanders 'insignia', I believe). Additionally, Smiley produced f-100 d_CS , 'a minor repaint of Inky's colorful F-100D paint job', to use his words (he found the original f-100 d texture too colouful!).

The original 3d model, (excellent) colour scheme and physics model were produced by Mark(Inky00)England as F-100D SuperSabre_EA.

I wouldl love to build one of these (and the turbine!) using the data from RF. It would be very interesting to see if the actual model behaved as it does in RF.

Many, many thanks go out to Mark(Inky00)England for the terrific original model, F-100D SuperSabre_EA, and great colour schemes too. Wonderful stuff!!


This variant requires:

F-100D SuperSabre_EA

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