Pitts Python-0.jpg 38.6 KB · Views: 235 Pitts Python.3d model,colourscheme and flight model by Mark(Inky00)England.The model has been updated to fix some texturing problems.Updated 4th January 2007 Related Variants turbo prop python_AV Pitts Python (small electric)_AV Pitts Python - SA_AV inkys Pitts Python_AV 100% Pitts Python True Scale_AV 100% Pitts Python Turbine Toucan_AV Zero Gravity Pitts Python_AV Pitts Python_AV Electric Pitts_AV 100% Pitts Python True Scale_AV 100% Pitts Python less weight_AV CMFC's Pitts Python_AV the beast g35_AV CMFC's Pitts Python Fix_AV Beast Pitts Python Electric_AV Pitts Python electrico_AV Hangar 9 The Beast_AV the beast extreme 3d_AV Full Scale Beast_AV Full Scale Beast ME242_AV Greg Connell's Pitts S-12_AV Aeroworks 50cc Pitts Python_AV Horizon Hobby the Beast_AV Pitts 12 15e_AV Pitts Python BE_AV Pitts 12 15e B_AV Electric Hangar 9 The Beast_AV Horizon Hobby the Beast RF7-5 V2_AV The Beast 100cc EME 120cc Boxer_AV The Beast 100cc Moki 180cc radial_AV The Beast 100cc Moki 250cc radial engine_AV Pitts Python (E)_AV Pitts Python 50% Scott_AV Flex mamba harel koriat edition_AV Related Color Schemes Buddy Hale scheme_CS Pitts Python texture2_CS Kimball Scheme_CS pitts2_CS Pitts Python - Purple Star_CS Pitts Python - Blue Flame_CS Beefs Python_CS Beefs Pitts_CS Aeroworks Pitts Python by 211_CS Pitts Python - Midnight Red Star_CS THE BEAST_CS THE BEAST 3_5_CS Python mariano_CS pitts s-12 edit_CS PITTS BY TWIST_CS GP Pitts_CS viking v2_CS Black Silver and Red Pitts 12_CS flex mamba blue_CS Related Recordings Opjose_Pitts Python_1_RC Cadconversions_Pitts Python_3_RC Cadconversions_Pitts Python_7_RC Greg Connell's Pitts S-12_RC Reactions: andy29847, Gr34t pl4n3s, rjmanzuk and 32 others