HSD T-33 120mm EDF

In your spec map bring the color closer to white. Then in the alpha channel start with a medium grey and work closer to black until you get the right result. Blue in the main that will help.
Like Abaser and Boof have suggested add a little blue, I`ll add to that, I found that a very very light blue works best, a very light sky blue would be a good place to start as an example, and adjust lighter or darker from there, might take a little experimenting at first, but once you get heading in the right direction you`ll find it pretty quick. ALSO, that CS looks absolutely fantastic Donamy, as well as the jet, great work...!!!! (y) (y) ? ?
Or find a model from the swaps that has a good metal look and use the colors that designer used.
I use the same colour on canopy in the _s file keeps the canopy light and glossy but I'm sure there's better ways ?