Problems entering your serial numbers?

Ryan Douglas

Staff member
Are you stuck at the dialog shown in the attached picture? Have you entered your serial numbers but the OK button is still disabled?

InterLink serial numbers have the format xxxxxxx-I2-xxxxxx or xxxxxxx-I3-xxxxxx, depending on which version of InterLink you have. That middle part, which goes in the box circled in red in the attached picture, contains a capital letter 'I', not the number one.

This can be very confusing for new users. That 'I' is the only letter in a string of numbers, and in the font used for the labels there are no bars across the top and bottom of the letter's stem. We will improve the serial number entry dialog in future versions to eliminate this potential difficulty. In the meantime, if you see people with this problem (there will be others), please refer them to this post.


  • Serial number entry dialog.JPG
    Serial number entry dialog.JPG
    64.7 KB · Views: 379
Very Good!

Yeah, I had this problem and then that's just what i did, I hope others see your thread and avoid the 35 to 40 mins I spent just figuring this out!
thanks Ryan

Thanks for saving me from a headache.
Just bought upgrade G5 tried to enter serial # to no avail. Remembered from passed experiences go to the message board, there it was, my answer.
Thanks again
Still not able to activate G5

I've uninstalled G5 and reloaded it twice. I've checked the serial numbers and I've even called support for help. Support told me that the serial number on the back of my disk package was invalid and gave me a new number. Didn't help. Support told me to use a new interlink serial number. Didn't help. When I get to the page for entering the serial numbers, I enter the numbers and the OK button activates. When I click the button, however, I get a new screen that says that I need to input my serial numbers in order to activate G5. G4.5 runs fine, the interlink serial number is correct, and I've tried the serial numbers provided by tech support. G5 simply won't activate. I'm beginning to think that Tower Hobbies sent me a bad disk.
Virginian, I sent you a private message. Please check that and get back to me. I do not suspect any problem with the physical disk.
Still Problems With Serial Numbers


I've sent you the information by private mail. I've checked the G5 folders and files and compared them to the G4.5 folders and files. On my machine, G5 has fewer of them, which causes me to think that G5 is not loading properly on my machine.
G5 Upgrade won't start at all.

My install looked like it went well and I even installed the DirectX9 for good measure (though I already had it installed).

If I hit LauncherG5 I get an error box that states "KEError 21051: Unknown Product Code". Launcher won't even load.

If I go directly to Realflight.exe the error box says "KEError 92994: Serial Numbers are invalid or missing. You must run the RealFlight Launcher and enter them before RealFlight will run". Of course, if Launcher won't run, I can't input the S/N.

I uninstalled and reinstalled it once. My PC is fairly recent (Dell with Pentium DuoCore processor, 2.13 GHz and 2GB RAM. Video card is a NVIDIA GeForce 7900 GS with 256 MB.

Is there some kind of work-around or is there a patch that I can install?


Use the search engine for faster service...

n1edm said:
My install looked like it went well and I even installed the DirectX9 for good measure (though I already had it installed).

If I hit LauncherG5 I get an error box that states "KEError 21051: Unknown Product Code". Launcher won't even load.

If I go directly to Realflight.exe the error box says "KEError 92994: Serial Numbers are invalid or missing. You must run the RealFlight Launcher and enter them before RealFlight will run". Of course, if Launcher won't run, I can't input the S/N.

I uninstalled and reinstalled it once. My PC is fairly recent (Dell with Pentium DuoCore processor, 2.13 GHz and 2GB RAM. Video card is a NVIDIA GeForce 7900 GS with 256 MB.

Is there some kind of work-around or is there a patch that I can install?


I'm having the same issue as The Virginian. Upgrading from 3.5 to 5 (G3 installed to RealFlightG3 folder, G5 to its own).


G3.5 continues to function normally.

Entering the (correct) serials allows me to press OK after serial entry, but the serials do not seem to be saved, and nothing happens in the launcher after entering the serials. Again, same description as the Virginian.

I've uninstalled and reinstalled the G5 upgrade twice now, both times ensuring the serials are also removed during the uninstall process. The issue persists; after entering the serials, the launcher does nothing, and all except uninstall are grayed out in the launcher. There's no indication that any network activity is occuring, and no prompt for manual activation.

I'm grateful for any further assistance.
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I finally cured mine and G5 runs fine now, but I don't know if my fix will cure your problem.

I found an obscure error code that said that I was missing a file named "LauncherG5.exe" in my G5 folder. I found it on the CD and just copied it into the C:\Program Files\RealFlightG5 folder and then put a shortcut from that file onto my desktop.

I was finally able to start G5, insert the serial numbers, and run the program.

I also noticed that the instructions state that you should NOT have the Controller connected when you install the program.

I know that might not solve your particular problem, but it might give you or someone else something to check,

Thanks for your reply. Unfortunately that's not the problem. I have uninstalled a third time and re-installed without the Interlink connected, still no go. The launcher exists in the proper location (%program files%\Common Files\KnifeEdge), as does LaunchHelperG5.exe (which actually collects the serial information). Both launch fine.

Still no go. I'm away on business for the next week. I'll call support when I return.
Can't Register G5

I can't register my G5. I keep getting error messages KEError 12217, 12246 & 21023. I called tech support and they told me it was my problem. My XP firewall is off, my antivirus is in game mode (The Shield 2009) and I'm running a Netgear WGR 614 wireless router. Multi player online workes fine once I setup the forwarding and triggering ports on my Netgear. Any ideas?
I have the same problem. I also had it in G3.5 I have to disable my PC Security for 5 minutes and then I am able able to register. Or perform an update check. You may want to try that. It's a simple test and easier then reinstalling.

Good Luck

John :confused:
Mangus said:
I'm having the same issue as The Virginian. Upgrading from 3.5 to 5 (G3 installed to RealFlightG3 folder, G5 to its own).


G3.5 continues to function normally.

Entering the (correct) serials allows me to press OK after serial entry, but the serials do not seem to be saved, and nothing happens in the launcher after entering the serials. Again, same description as the Virginian.

I've uninstalled and reinstalled the G5 upgrade twice now, both times ensuring the serials are also removed during the uninstall process. The issue persists; after entering the serials, the launcher does nothing, and all except uninstall are grayed out in the launcher. There's no indication that any network activity is occuring, and no prompt for manual activation.

I'm grateful for any further assistance.


My Windows installation is not C:\, and I have no C:\ drive present. Without a C:\ drive, the software could not be activated (see symptoms described above).

As an experiment, I plugged in a thumb drive and assigned it to C:\. The software then could be registered.

Should be a relatively simple repro for Knife Edge:

1) Starting with a fresh machine, assign the home drive to something other than C:\ (my case was I:\)
2) Ensure no C:\ drive is present
3) Install XP SP3 to the I:\ drive
4) Install G5 to the (default) home drive (I:\ in our example)
5) Attempt to activate

G5 contacts the server and activates

Activation does not occur, with no error, and no visible attempts to activate via the server. The launcher mentions that serial entry is necessary. Symptoms outlined above.

7) Insert thumb drive and reassign drive letter to C:\ (if necessary)
8) Attempt to activeate

Activation succeeds

Please feel free to contact me privately as necessary if more information is necessary.
Mangus, serial number entry and activation are two separate processes, but they are entwined in such a way that they seem like the same thing. Based on what you said, I'm trying to figure out which one is failing for you. After you enter the serial numbers and click OK, you said all the buttons are grayed out in the Launcher; however, the top button should also be enabled. Can you please try again and tell me what that button says?
Ryan Douglas said:
Mangus, serial number entry and activation are two separate processes, but they are entwined in such a way that they seem like the same thing. Based on what you said, I'm trying to figure out which one is failing for you. After you enter the serial numbers and click OK, you said all the buttons are grayed out in the Launcher; however, the top button should also be enabled. Can you please try again and tell me what that button says?

"Enter Serial Numbers"

Again, it's as though entering the serial numbers does nothing; like I cancelled out of the serial number entry dialogs.

If I remove the thumbdrive (c:\) and start the launcher, it asks me for my serials again (including the expansion serials). If I re-connect the thumbdrive (c:\) and close and re-start the launcher, all is well again.

As you know, nothing is physically written to or read from the c:\ drive. I can send process monitor logs for both file and registry I/O as necessary. Feel free to email me.

Should be an easy (but perhaps time consuming given the necessity to flatten the machine, potentially) repro for you.
Thank you. I'll need some time to look into this (hopefully I can get to it soon), but this is helpful info. I will contact you if I have any other questions.
Same Problem as everybody else

I am having the same problem with the G5 upgrade as the others here. I have successfully entered serial numbers before going back to G3.5 without any problems.

When I enter the numbers (CORRECTLY), the OK button comes on which I click and am taken back to the startup screen. No error messages are displayed. On the main screen nothing has happened and the top left corner of the startup screen indicates no serial numbers have been entered. Repeating the process yields the same results and there's no question that numbers were entered correctly. I guess my internet connection is working becuase presumably you're reading this.

Gee, thanks for leaving me high and dry on a saturday night. I guess I could call tech support for my problem, but oh wait, they're closed on saturdays aren't they. I can't believe you guys shipped a product with a faulty registration process whether if affects 1 user or many.
You might take a look at reply #15 above for a workaround, if you have the facilities (and faculties) to try it.