Boeing 707 family build(s)

I don`t usually download betas, but watching it fly, I was very impressed. Windows are looking fantastic, as is the whole plane Legoman...Great work !!! (y) :)
The landing gear leg oleo strut compression/extension is awesome, the landing gear braces that push the gear down and retract it are perfectly timed during the folding operation (they look so real) and not to mention the gear doors, they are also perfectly timed, starting with the fuselage doors that open and fold into themselves, then there are the 4 doors on the leg/wing sides are a treat to watch, you really nailed the landing gear operation. I placed a camera on the belly of the fuselage just to be able to take in all the action.
The Kreuger Flaps are great, position 1 gets flaps deployed halfway and position 2 gets full flaps plus front flaps activated, the rotating down of the flaps along with the rearward movement is a work of art.
Wing Spoilers are incredible, they automatically deploy with landing gear compression, (on a contact switch, absolutely GENIUS invention) also the spoilers are deployed on plane spawn, they retract with throttle increase, even when the aforementioned gear contact switch is activating the spoilers, (yet another awesome detail).
I like the spinning turbine blades, adds realism to the model.
Oh, did I forget to say the Boeing 707 fly's great, love it, excellent work Legoman.