
My talent level :

Wow another master piece !!!
I did a bit more work on the rivets for the PX-51 color scheme. I went back and reworked the rivets for the vstab now the only thing left to do is the fuselage. I have to admit this may be the last panel lines and rivets I create. For some reason I never like what I end up with I always like the ones done by others I just never like mine.
okay that's a reference to one of the famous artists... I'm racking both of my brain cells to remember which one... ??
Degas? nope.

oh! I couldn't help it. I googled it. ??
Oh com`on spaceboy, everyone knows it was Peter Max, GEEZ, BUT, I gotta ask, are you using the two brain cells from your main head, OR one from each of your two heads..??? .....your history lesson is over for the day.... :) :)