Saturn V Rocket Request.

Don't they have specs on the internet? Although, from experience, scaling a drawing can get hard (I'm a really good drawer, and that comes from a lot of people).
Cowpig said:
I think this one is fine. Why would anyone mind putting up something new in a 2 year old thread?
Good point I would say "Kid" but im no older only by a Few days :D
Nice to meet you. I see our year/month has ingeneuety for things. Check out that location.

(on my simple questions thread, the friend I mention that came up with a piece of flying foam is one day younger than you).
Good luck on that lunar module. May the F=ma be with you. :)
Again, Wings 3d-check it out. If you do, PM me.
Do these gov records have 3views or something?
What does being bored have to do with it? :confused: